Stock Content : Paclobutrazol 40% SC
Stock Category : Plant Growth Regulator
It helps the crop to effectively use the nutrients available from fertilizers for proper growth, development of fruits, branches, flowering Vidyut is nutrients channelisers.Vidyut is a Crop Energy Channelizer. It helps the crop to effectively use the nutrients available from fertilizers for proper growth, development of fruits, branches, flowering. Vidyut is one of the most important infrastructure for agricultural industry. It helps in reducing the cost of production and increasing the production rate.It also helps in maintaining quality standards which are very essential for both domestic as well as international markets. Vidyut is mainly used for irrigation purpose. This is done by supplying water to the crops through pipelines installed underground or above ground depending upon the requirement of crops. Vidyut is a Crop Energy Channelizer. It helps the crop to effectively use the nutrients available from fertilizers for proper growth, development of fruits, branches, flowering.
Mode of action : Vidyut improves branching, and induces flowering.
Increases tillering or branching. Increasing flowering results to increase yield. Bushy plant shape, thicker & healthy stem. Reduced internodal distance. Development of better fruit color and size.
Crops & Dosage: Red Gram & 30ml per Acre
Expiry : Product you buy from app guarantees minimum 6 months expiry period.
Note : We are seller and not manufacturer. Certified that the particular given above are true & correct. Above goods are for agriculture use only.
Stock Content : Paclobutrazol 40% SC
Stock Category : Plant Growth Regulator
It helps the crop to effectively use the nutrients available from fertilizers for proper growth, development of fruits, branches, flowering Vidyut is nutrients channelisers.Vidyut is a Crop Energy Channelizer. It helps the crop to effectively use the nutrients available from fertilizers for proper growth, development of fruits, branches, flowering. Vidyut is one of the most important infrastructure for agricultural industry. It helps in reducing the cost of production and increasing the production rate.It also helps in maintaining quality standards which are very essential for both domestic as well as international markets. Vidyut is mainly used for irrigation purpose. This is done by supplying water to the crops through pipelines installed underground or above ground depending upon the requirement of crops. Vidyut is a Crop Energy Channelizer. It helps the crop to effectively use the nutrients available from fertilizers for proper growth, development of fruits, branches, flowering.
Mode of action : Vidyut improves branching, and induces flowering.
Increases tillering or branching. Increasing flowering results to increase yield. Bushy plant shape, thicker & healthy stem. Reduced internodal distance. Development of better fruit color and size.
Crops & Dosage: Red Gram & 30ml per Acre
Expiry : Product you buy from app guarantees minimum 6 months expiry period.
Note : We are seller and not manufacturer. Certified that the particular given above are true & correct. Above goods are for agriculture use only.
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