Stock Category :- Herbicide
Timing of application:-This herbicide is recommended for post emergence application ie 30-35 days after sowing of wheat crop. (When Phalaris minor is 3-4 leaf stage).
Direction Of Use:- Plant Protection Equipments: It can be applied through Knapsack sprayer fitted with flat fan nozzel. The minimum water volume to be used is 375 lts per ha.
Re-cropping flexibility:- This is quickly degraded in the soil and has little or no soil activity. There are no re-cropping restrictions.
Mode of Uptake:-This herbicide is taken up through leaves of grass weeds. Active growth of susceptible grasses ceases within 48 hours after application. Symptoms are observed within one to three weeks depending on environmental condition and species involved. Decay of nodes and growing points is visible with young leaves showing chlorosis followed by necrosis.
Preparation of spray solution:- a) Mixing out side the knapsack: It is recommended to first mix this herbicide with clean water in a large container of sufficient size such that the complete number of knapsack loads that are required for the sprayer are prepared at one time. Fill the container 1/3 or 1/2 full of clean water & add this herbicide. Gently stir until the product has dissolved then fill the knapsack sprayer directly with the mixed solution must be at the final concentration. Do not make a concentrate stock solution (slurry) which required further dilution in the knapsack later on. b) Mixing directly in to the knapsack sprayer: Fill the knapsack tank 1/3 or 1/2 full of clean water and put the water soluble bag of herbicide Gently strike until the soluble bag and its contents fully dissolved and then add the rest of the water to the tank.
Stock Category :- Herbicide
Timing of application:-This herbicide is recommended for post emergence application ie 30-35 days after sowing of wheat crop. (When Phalaris minor is 3-4 leaf stage).
Direction Of Use:- Plant Protection Equipments: It can be applied through Knapsack sprayer fitted with flat fan nozzel. The minimum water volume to be used is 375 lts per ha.
Re-cropping flexibility:- This is quickly degraded in the soil and has little or no soil activity. There are no re-cropping restrictions.
Mode of Uptake:-This herbicide is taken up through leaves of grass weeds. Active growth of susceptible grasses ceases within 48 hours after application. Symptoms are observed within one to three weeks depending on environmental condition and species involved. Decay of nodes and growing points is visible with young leaves showing chlorosis followed by necrosis.
Preparation of spray solution:- a) Mixing out side the knapsack: It is recommended to first mix this herbicide with clean water in a large container of sufficient size such that the complete number of knapsack loads that are required for the sprayer are prepared at one time. Fill the container 1/3 or 1/2 full of clean water & add this herbicide. Gently stir until the product has dissolved then fill the knapsack sprayer directly with the mixed solution must be at the final concentration. Do not make a concentrate stock solution (slurry) which required further dilution in the knapsack later on. b) Mixing directly in to the knapsack sprayer: Fill the knapsack tank 1/3 or 1/2 full of clean water and put the water soluble bag of herbicide Gently strike until the soluble bag and its contents fully dissolved and then add the rest of the water to the tank.
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