Stock Contain :- Pretilachlor 50% EC
Stock Category :- Herbicides
Eraze is a selective herbicide for the control of grasses, some sedges and broad leaved weeds also. It is a proven superior rice herbicide over butachlor and anilophos. It contains vegetable oil as solvent and is safe to paddy crop.It is a proven ior rice herbicide over butachlor and anilophos
Mode of action - It is a chloroacetanilide group pre-emergence selective rice herbicide, it is taken up readily by the hypocotyls, mesocotyls and coleoptiles of the germinating weeds and acts as cell division inhibitor.
Recommended Crops - Paddy
Stock Contain :- Pretilachlor 50% EC
Stock Category :- Herbicides
Eraze is a selective herbicide for the control of grasses, some sedges and broad leaved weeds also. It is a proven superior rice herbicide over butachlor and anilophos. It contains vegetable oil as solvent and is safe to paddy crop.It is a proven ior rice herbicide over butachlor and anilophos
Mode of action - It is a chloroacetanilide group pre-emergence selective rice herbicide, it is taken up readily by the hypocotyls, mesocotyls and coleoptiles of the germinating weeds and acts as cell division inhibitor.
Recommended Crops - Paddy
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