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Stock Content :- Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG

Stock Category :- Insecticides.

EMAMECTIN BENZOATE 5% SG is a water soluble granular formulation containing 5% active ingredient and is recommended for the control of bollworms on Cotton, fruit and shoot borer on Okra,DBM on Cabbage,fruit borer, thrips, mites on Chilli, fruit and shoot borer on Brinjal, pod borer on Red gram and Chickpea, thrips on Grapes. It is an insecticide with stomach action and should be ingested by the larvae to be most effective. Affected larvae become paralyzed and stop feeding shortly after exposure to Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG and subsequently die after 2-4 days.


Apply the insecticide when the incicience of larvae is first observed and peat applications as neces- sary. Apply the insecticide in suflent quantity of water to en- sure thorough coverage of the folage.

Plant protection equipment:- Knapsack sprayer, compress.on knapsack sprayer, battery operated power sprayer.


1. The packages containing the insecticide should be stored in orig containers in separate rooms or premises away from the rooms or premises used for storing other articles particu larty artices of food or shall be kept in separate almirans under Inck and key.

2. The rooms or premises meant for storing the insecticide shall be well built, dry, well it, and veriblated and of sufficient dimen- sions to avoid contamination with vapour.

Precautions:- Do not use cooking utensils for preparing the spray solution. Use stick for stirring the spray solution. Avold contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid inhalation of fog and vapours of insecticide. Wear protective clothing, hand gloves, mask, goggles and boots, while handling the product. Do not eat, do not drink or do not smoke while applying the product. Wash hands with soap and plenty of water and change clothes aiter the work. Avoid contamination of air and water bodies with the insecticides. Also wash the contaminated clothes.


1. Packages or surplus material and washinge from the ma- chines and containers should be disposed off in a safe manner so as to prevent environment and water pollution.

2. The used packages shall not be left outside to prevent their re-use.

3. The packages shall be broken and buried away from habitaion.

POISONING:- Early symptoms of poisoning may be a combina lion of dilation of pupils, muscular incoordination, ataxia are! muscle tremors.


Renove the affected person to a well-ventilated area or fresh air and protect him. from undercooling. IN CASE OF SKIN CONTACT: Rernove contaminated clothing and thor- oughly wash the affected parts of the body with soap and wa- ter. IN CASE OF EYE CONTACT: Rinse eyes with clean water for several minutes. IN CASE OF INGESTION: Give the patient one or two glasses of water, if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting. Get the attention of the medical doctor immediately.

NOTE:- Do not induce vomiting or never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

ANTIDOTE:- No specific antidote is known. Apply symptomatictherapy.

Expiry:- Product you buy from app guarantees minimum 6 months expiry period . 

Note :- We are seller and not manufacturer. Certified that the particular given above are true & correct. Above goods are for agriculture use only.

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Stock Content :- Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG

Stock Category :- Insecticides.

EMAMECTIN BENZOATE 5% SG is a water soluble granular formulation containing 5% active ingredient and is recommended for the control of bollworms on Cotton, fruit and shoot borer on Okra,DBM on Cabbage,fruit borer, thrips, mites on Chilli, fruit and shoot borer on Brinjal, pod borer on Red gram and Chickpea, thrips on Grapes. It is an insecticide with stomach action and should be ingested by the larvae to be most effective. Affected larvae become paralyzed and stop feeding shortly after exposure to Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG and subsequently die after 2-4 days.


Apply the insecticide when the incicience of larvae is first observed and peat applications as neces- sary. Apply the insecticide in suflent quantity of water to en- sure thorough coverage of the folage.

Plant protection equipment:- Knapsack sprayer, compress.on knapsack sprayer, battery operated power sprayer.


1. The packages containing the insecticide should be stored in orig containers in separate rooms or premises away from the rooms or premises used for storing other articles particu larty artices of food or shall be kept in separate almirans under Inck and key.

2. The rooms or premises meant for storing the insecticide shall be well built, dry, well it, and veriblated and of sufficient dimen- sions to avoid contamination with vapour.

Precautions:- Do not use cooking utensils for preparing the spray solution. Use stick for stirring the spray solution. Avold contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid inhalation of fog and vapours of insecticide. Wear protective clothing, hand gloves, mask, goggles and boots, while handling the product. Do not eat, do not drink or do not smoke while applying the product. Wash hands with soap and plenty of water and change clothes aiter the work. Avoid contamination of air and water bodies with the insecticides. Also wash the contaminated clothes.


1. Packages or surplus material and washinge from the ma- chines and containers should be disposed off in a safe manner so as to prevent environment and water pollution.

2. The used packages shall not be left outside to prevent their re-use.

3. The packages shall be broken and buried away from habitaion.

POISONING:- Early symptoms of poisoning may be a combina lion of dilation of pupils, muscular incoordination, ataxia are! muscle tremors.


Renove the affected person to a well-ventilated area or fresh air and protect him. from undercooling. IN CASE OF SKIN CONTACT: Rernove contaminated clothing and thor- oughly wash the affected parts of the body with soap and wa- ter. IN CASE OF EYE CONTACT: Rinse eyes with clean water for several minutes. IN CASE OF INGESTION: Give the patient one or two glasses of water, if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting. Get the attention of the medical doctor immediately.

NOTE:- Do not induce vomiting or never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

ANTIDOTE:- No specific antidote is known. Apply symptomatictherapy.

Expiry:- Product you buy from app guarantees minimum 6 months expiry period . 

Note :- We are seller and not manufacturer. Certified that the particular given above are true & correct. Above goods are for agriculture use only.

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