Stock Content :- 2.4-D, Amine Salt 58% SL.
Stock Category :- Herbicides.
2,4-D Main is selective systemic post emergence herbicide.
The product is used for the control of annual and perennial broad leaved weeds in a wide range of crop.
Target Weed Species:- Chenopodium Album, Fumaria Parviflora, Melillotus Alba, Vicia sative, Asphodelus tenuifolius.
Crop- Maize, Wheat, Potato, Sugarcane, Aquatic Weeds.
Expiry:- Product you buy from app guarantees minimum 6 months expiry period .
Note :- We are seller and not manufacturer. Certified that the particular given above are true & correct. Above goods are for agriculture use only.
Stock Content :- 2.4-D, Amine Salt 58% SL.
Stock Category :- Herbicides.
2,4-D Main is selective systemic post emergence herbicide.
The product is used for the control of annual and perennial broad leaved weeds in a wide range of crop.
Target Weed Species:- Chenopodium Album, Fumaria Parviflora, Melillotus Alba, Vicia sative, Asphodelus tenuifolius.
Crop- Maize, Wheat, Potato, Sugarcane, Aquatic Weeds.
Expiry:- Product you buy from app guarantees minimum 6 months expiry period .
Note :- We are seller and not manufacturer. Certified that the particular given above are true & correct. Above goods are for agriculture use only.
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