Merivon® represents a groundbreaking amalgamation of two potent active ingredients, Fluxapyroxad and Pyraclostrobin, in a Suspension Concentrate (SC) formulation. This innovative blend epitomizes BASF's commitment to agricultural excellence, offering farmers a powerful tool to combat a spectrum of fungal diseases plaguing crops.
View MoreAgriculture forms the backbone of society, providing sustenance, livelihoods, and economic stability to billions around the globe. However, the agricultural sector is evolving rapidly, demanding skilled professionals equipped with knowledge, innovation, and adaptability to navigate the complexities of modern farming.
View MoreDelegate delivers quick and effective control of important chewing pests, ensuring that your crops remain healthy and productive. Its unique mode of action targets key pests in tree fruit, citrus, tree nut, and vine crops, providing superior control over damaging insects such as codling moth, Asian citrus psyllid, thrips, oriental fruit moth, leafrollers, leaf miners, and spotted wing drosophila.
View MoreTata Bahaar emerges as a harbinger of floral magnificence, igniting the reproductive journey of plants with its unparalleled efficacy.By delicately orchestrating hormonal pathways, Tata Bahaar serves as a catalyst for floral abundance, ushering in a spectacle of blossoms.
View MoreSmall-scale farmers frequently face financial barriers that limit their ability to invest in their farms and improve their livelihoods. Access to credit is often limited, and fluctuating market prices can leave farmers struggling to cover their costs. the empowerment of small-scale farmers is not just a necessity but a moral imperative for creating a sustainable and equitable food system.
View MoreAgroforestry, also known as forest farming or ago-sylviculture, embodies a holistic approach that integrates trees with crops or pasture. Agroforestry can become an important tool to build resilience of farmers and rural people against threats of climate change and natural calamities.
View MoreMedicinal herbs have been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine systems around the world, such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Native American healing practices. They represent an essential part of humanity's medical heritage and cultural traditions.
View MorePhoskill Insecticide, with its active ingredient Monocrotophos 36% SL, is a formidable weapon against a wide range of chewing and sucking pests that plague crops. From aphids and thrips to mites and whiteflies, Phoskill offers comprehensive control, making it a valuable asset in pest management strategies.
View MoreAmbition is not just another addition to the array of agricultural supplements; it is a catalyst for growth, a harbinger of vitality for crops across diverse terrains. Enriched with a potent blend of Amino Acids, Fulvic Acids, and Micro Elements, Ambition is more than a mere supplement; it is a testament to Bayer's commitment to revolutionize farming practices and elevate crop yields to unparalleled heights.
View MoreSummer crop production offers numerous benefits including extended growing seasons, higher yields, diverse crop options, optimal soil conditions, increased photosynthesis, reduced frost risk, market demand, crop diversity and rotation, opportunities for specialty crops, and employment generation.
View MoreWater management is crucial for agricultural sustainability, especially in tropical regions where water availability fluctuates. In this blog, we'll explore key strategies for managing water effectively in tropical farm lands.
View MoreProfex Super is a combination product for the control of bollworm complex.It has strong contact, stomach and ovicidal action.It is having excellent translaminar action, when sprayed on the upper surface of leaf, it immediately percolates down to lower surface of the leaf.
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